Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why My Two-Year Anniversary Rocked

Yesterday, August 19th, was Mario and I's two year wedding anniversary! That's probably the "Ball Point Pen" anniversary or something equally meaningless, but we celebrated anyway. It's hard to believe it's been two years since we, fancy (read: child) free--well, almost; we had just bought our house--said I do. So much has happened since then, not the least among them the advent of our little daughter.

We took this occasion to enjoy a great dinner out sans Miss Grab-Everything-in-Sight, whom my sister and her boyfriend Scott bravely watched. (I say bravely because it turned out Scarlett was a total shit and cried for three hours straight! Check ONE potential babysitter off the list!) Johnny's is a VERY delicious Italian restaurant in Reno that is always busy, and like a dummy I didn't make reservations, but we were able to get a table in the lounge, which is just as nice as the restaurant. We enjoyed a bottle of the Wine of the Month--an Antinori blend that I've already forgotten the name of--along with an appetizer of calamari, salad and bread, a plate of pesto gnocchi, and the crowning glory...Seafood Lasagna! (Cue salivation). This dish had come highly recommended by my sister and she definitely wasn't was perhaps the most indulgent thing I have ever eaten. Perhaps it was the absence of Squidge and perhaps it was the wine--or more likely a combination of both--but it was a wonderful relaxing dinner.

While there, Mario and I gave each other our gifts...well, actually just pictures of the gifts, because neither of us are actually on top of it to have anything ready. I had ordered him a new lens and filter for his camera, but it was late in arriving, and he was planning to buy me the new NICER iPhone but wasn't able to get it yet. He told me he also had another present for me waiting back home which "wasn't very exciting," but he didn't want to tell me so I made him give me clues, and it took me forever. Here were the clues:

*It has to do with something he doesn't have at work
*It has to do with kissing
*It has the same size and mechanism as something one might purchase from an adult store
*I'm currently using it for free, but now I will have to start paying for it monthly
*Our friends Brandon and Emily have it, but we don't.

Can you guess? Probably not, as you would have to know something about his work and B&E's penchant for's an electric toothbrush! (He doesn't have dental insurance at work.) Now, granted, this may not be very exciting, but actually I've been wanting one for a long time.

But the best part of our anniversary was yet to come. Upon returning home, we picked Squidge up from my sister's house, where we sadly found out that she had been a devil and a half. By that time, however, she had cried herself to sleep, so we toted her next door and after a very little bit of feeding and cuddling, put her down in her crib. She won't stay on her back now, so she promptly flipped over on her belly and conked.

And there she stayed.
Without crying or fussing.
Without howling or moaning.
Without waking or playing.
Until SEVEN A.M.

(Cue music in the background: HalleLUJAH! HalleLUJAH! Hallelujah--Hallelujah--Hall-E-LU-

Scarlett's first night truly sleeping through the night! Now THERE'S something to blog about. Words cannot express how wonderful I felt this morning after having had a full night's sleep (never mind those several times I woke up and checked on her, worried because it's so unlike her to stay asleep!) I don't know when it will happen again, but couldn't have asked for a more fabulous anniversary present.

Sadly, Scarlett has followed up that halcyon night by being a little shit again today about napping...she is now crying in her crib as she does what she has been doing for the last two hours nonstop...fighting off sleep with all her pissy little might. SIGH. Our Department picnic is this afternoon and it would be a much more pleasant event if little Miss weren't crankier than the Grinch who Stole Christmas (before he reformed). But, I'll be honest...I wouldn't trade last night for anything!

My one hope: that it happens again BEFORE my next anniversary. Preferrably, tonight. But I won't count my chickens.


Megan said...

Your anniversary did rock! Your indulgent dinner sounds wonderful and the sleeping baby is amazing! I think Miss Scarlet must has known it was a special night. She got all her piss and vinegar out at your sister's house!

v said...

Oh, I know that feeling of "Oh, she's not making any noise...must wake up fifteen times to check on her." I'm so glad she slept through the night. What a great gift!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful anniversay!! Sleeping baby and a bottle of wine with seafood lasagna. Wow! Though I must say a good buzz can make a great dinner out even better. :)

Lauryn said...

No anniversary is meaningless! Sounds like you had a great one!

Oh, and your dinner is making me drool over here.

Hopefully Miss Scarlett's new naptime fussiness and her anniversary present mean she's readjusting herself to sleep through the night regularly. Fingers crossed for you :)

natasha | sohobutterfly said...

That's too funny - our two year anniversary was this past week too! Although we didn't have any breakthroughs like you did with Miss S. :o) Glad you had a good one - CONGRATS!