Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Upcoming: Change Your Reality Week

Where has the time gone since I've been able to post a post? It's been almost two weeks, I think, and although there has been so much to say I have not found the time to say it. It's been one week since Obama won the presidential election. It's been twelve days since my grandmother died--but only two days since my family, going through her stored-away things, found some hidden photos that showed us what a beautiful artist she was, and also how little any of us really knew her. It's been several weeks since I've plunged deeply into the fight to save my school and the things I care about there, with the unprecedented budget crisis facing the state of Nevada and threatening to devastate my future and the future of my students. It's been about twenty-four hours since my baby took her first wobbling couple of steps.

Things are happening, terrible and wonderful. The pendulum is swinging. I've been laughing and crying. I've been sick, then healthy, then sick again. I've been running. I've been drinking wine. My world has changed and I've been trying to change the world--but forgetting to blog about it.

I've been gearing up for a project with two colleagues that I'm so excited and honored to be a part of, a interview for publication in a scholarly journal (side note: publication = big deal) with a very important and foundational scholar in my field, Edward M. White. I've been reading some of his writing in preparation for the interview; a recurring theme in his work is power, particularly the power of a writer to change her world. This resonates because I've been writing, and the world has been answering. I email big names (rhetoric rock stars) and they write me back. I vote for a Regent one day; we email the next. Nevada's Chancellor of Higher Education (MY NEWEST HERO) will come to my campus if I invite him. I think I'd forgotten that the world responds when you address it directly.

And so, in honor of Ed White, who himself honors the power of the writer, I declare myself a "Change Your Reality Week." Every day for a week, starting tomorrow, I'm going to write and post a letter that in some way attempts to change my reality. Emotional reality, financial reality, educational reality--any and all of the above. I'll let you know, later, if any of it works.

Anyone want to participate with me?


natasha | sohobutterfly said...

I might be interested! But I have to see your first post before I think I will "get" it. :o)

Good to see your blogging again. I'm sorry about the passing of your grandmother. But ever excited about S's first steps!!!

Megan said...

It's funny how the world never stops, I don't think I would ever want it too. I am sorry about your grandmother, but I am anxiously awaiting Squidge's baby steps. Video please!!

I like your idea. I am interested to see how it all goes. Good luck! I am working on changing my world through emails right now, but I can't post about it. But know that I am with you in spirit!

Lauryn said...

Ugh, this post made me want to laugh and cry. I'm so sad for your loss and happy for the exciting new changes, and proud of you for DOING something amazing! Keep us posted. I'm going to look into changing my reality as well :)

The Peterson Life said...

I may not participate, but I may follow later. :) The only reality that I want to change right now is having the human being inside me to just be outside of me. 8 more weeks, but I'm going to hope for 6-7. Good luck! I'm looking forward to reading what you're doing and seeing the results.

v said...

Yea for Squidge's steps! I'm sure she'll be relieved to be so much more mobile. I loved reading this post.

Coach J said...

Good luck with this. I'm feeling a bit cynical right now, as I sent an angry (but respectful) email to RHS administration concerning what I feel to be sexist decisions (see my "I'm a bitch" post) and have yet to receive a response three days later. I hope you reach more open ears and change does happen for you.