Friday, May 30, 2008

The Running Tally

Mommy goes to the eye doctor--Baby is smiley and angelic in the waiting room while Daddy watches her--score Mommy.
Baby is quiet and happy on every drive around town--score Mommy.
Baby is charming and content through bank stop and grocery shopping trip and EVEN naps while Mommy unloads and EVEN wakes up smiling and amuses herself for awhile...

And the clear winner of the day is MOMMY!

Baby resists taking her morning nap for HOURS, sucking the day away--score Baby.
She squalls ear-splittingly every time she gets strapped in the carseat--score Baby.
At pizza lunch with Daddy, she deliberately reaches for and topples a full soda all over herself, the table, the pizza, and everything. When Mommy changes her outfit, Baby barfs all over it. When Mommy goes to rinse it, Baby (clad only in diaper) topples ANOTHER soda--Score Baby, twice over.

I guess it's clear who won today.

There's always tomorrow, I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. This sounds a bit like my days. Thanks for a laugh.