Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not Happy, Not Happy at All!

So, Mario, Miss Scarlett and I were away from home last night. On Saturday morning, we headed to San Francisco for my cousin Nikki's wedding. We had a great time staying with my Aunt Karen and seeing a bunch of our wonderful family members. The wedding was beautiful! The only bummer was that we ACTUALLY. MISSED. THE CEREMONY. How awful is that? San Francisco traffic was SO awful (on a Saturday? How do those poor people effing live?) that it took us TWO HOURS to get 30 miles. Actually, one whole hour of that was devoted to less than 8 miles! We arrived at the Flood Mansion as the wedding party was out from taking pictures...TOTALLY EMBARRASSING. I felt awful! But luckily the bride and groom graciously forgave us, and we managed to enjoy a beautiful night (a few pics soon to come).

I came home to rather troublesome news, however. The house on the right of us has been empty via foreclosure for almost a year now, and it just sold a couple of weeks ago. At first glance, I was rather pleased with our new neighbor selection...they appeared to be a small family (translate: four generations are not living with them, and they appear to own a mere two or three cars!) and, or so I thought, quiet?

Apparently not so. My sister's boyfriend told us they had a RAGER Saturday night. A RAGING PARTY that was still going strong after 1:00am. Cars parked in the backyard and everything. (Yes, this is the side of the house that Scarlett's room is on.) Pounding music, screaming people, utter madness.

Oh gets better.

According to Scott, round about 1:30a.m. an insane fight broke out in the street. Scott estimated 50 people gathered as fighters punched, kicked, and rolled in the street. He heard sirens wailing before he could dial the cops himself.


Cross your fingers that shit doesn't happen again, because you'd better believe I'm not letting it go past 10pm without a call to the cops! Yes, I'm an old fuddy duddy. Why, oh why, oh why, am I living in this ghetto ass neighborhood?? Oh wait...because we are 100 thousand plus upside down in this house and we are NEVER getting out from under it, that's why.

In other news, Scarlett is none too happy either. Her first tooth, the bottom right, is just about half way in, and already it's neighbor is breaking through her gums...and one or two of the top front teeth are coming fast on their heels! So she is getting either three or four teeth simultaneously! Yeah...if I was her...I'd be fussy too!


Lauryn said...

Oh you poor, poor thing!

Here's hoping that that was a one time only, housewarming celebration and that somebody's brother's cousin's friend brought a guy who ended up starting a fight and that they are in no way related to the people who actually reside there.

That's possible. Right?

It's nice to see a post from you again! Hope Scarlett's toofers take it easy on her :)

Megan said...

Ugh, neighbors! It is always a crap shoot. I am with Lauryn, maybe it was a one time thing. If not, prepare to make friends with your local police.

v said...

I love the housewarming suggestion. :) I seriously hope this doesn't happen again. How completely ridiculous is that? I'm annoyed for you (and I'll be pissed for you if they do it again). I'm surprised no one called the cops that night.

natasha | sohobutterfly said...

We have a similar problem... We live across (and half a block up) from a community league building.

So you think that's great, right? No neighbors opposite, and nice green park, etc., etc.

Well they have these RAGING reggae parties at all hours in the community league. So LOUD that the house literally shakes with the bass. You can hear (and FEEL) it in the basement.

They start at about 11:00 PM, and go as long as 5:00 AM. Sometimes on work nights.

You should see me - I am MURDEROUS. I am a light sleeper. I need to be held back from running out there and busting a cap in somebody's ass.


I hope this was just a one-off for you guys, and that the newbies keep things quiet from now on. And remember - you can always call the cops!