Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Seven Times Weird

This week, I was tagged! For the first time, I think. Lauryn over at LauReality tagged me to share seven random or weird facts about myself. Since it's after midnight and I can't sleep after drinking my first Diet Coke in 10 weeks (note to self: 10:00pm is a bad time to break that particular streak) I am going to see what I can come up with.

7> My dad is a geologist, and my sister, Amber, and I both were named after rocks. I have been known to make the remark that it is AWFULLY good he wasn't a gynecologist!

6> I hate toenails. I really do. I cut mine super short even though they look dreadful because I can't stand the feel of them when they're long. I also hate it when my husband's get long and they touch me in bed. EW! Yet, I also don't like it when he clips his and I can hear that sharp, clippy sound. I yell at him to go somewhere else. Yes, he's got a tough life. I also have a weird, malformed little toenail on my pinky toe. And my feet are enormous; I practically have to shop at the tranvestite store. Okay, that's three things. Let's just say if I was invisible below the ankles I would be thrilled.

5) I talk fast. And I get shit for it constantly. And it REALLY bugs me when people call me out on it. For some reason, I am kind of sensitive about my speaking speed. I am always tempted to say, "I don't talk fast; your brain is just slow." Okay, I'll be honest...sometimes I actually do say it.

4> When I was in high school I had my wisdom teeth taken FIVE wisdom teeth. I had four normal ones like everyone else but also a fifth, mutant tooth that no one could explain. I just like to presume that, la de da, I am just THAT much wiser...

3> I haven't eaten red meat or pork in 11 years. I went cold turkey one day while pondering the ickiness of dorm food as a freshman, and have never looked back. This is really gross, but something about flesh just seems so canibalistic to me. In fact, here's a quick recap of my meat rules if you haven't read them before: I don't eat anything too big, too cute, or two ugly. I also don't eat dark meat, things with skin and bones, or things that resembles an animal when it was in its living form. In short, I eat chicken and turkey breast and fish. Don't ask me--I don't claim to be logical.

2> I used to be deathly afraid of needles--I would keel over in a dead faint every single time I got a shot or blood drawn, without fail--but karma has taken things upon itself to fix me. After being bitten by a probably rabid dog and going through the entire rabies series while traveling Southeast Asia, and then having the World's Craziest Thyroid and having a baby, I have gotten MOSTLY past fainting mode. Now I just lay down the law with the vampires: Don't show me the needle, don't tell me what you're doing, and I have to lay down. And I normally stay conscious. But I still hate, hate, hate it.

1> Hmm, one more. Oh, there are so many to choose from. Let's see. Okay, this is kind of cool. I am the oldest child of an oldest child of an oldest child, and my child is the oldest too. All on both sides of the family. No wonder I am that damned bossy!

That's me. It's 1:00 am now. Let's go see if sleep is ready for me for reals this time...


Lauryn said...

Very interesting list! Thanks for participating!

It's interesting that you and your sister were named after rocks. Also like the oldest of the oldest of the oldest. I love little coincidences like that.

I get yelled at for talking fast too! In theatre this was a big problem. It's so difficult to try to slow it down. Feels unnatural.

Coach J said...

Awesome list. My dad is an athropologist and would have named me Shoopalilioomah or Tigalathpilazer (who knows how to spell these names) if he'd had his way.

BTW, you were awesome last night. Let other readers make of this what they will. He he. ;)

Emily Main said...

You know what .. I don't think you talk fast. At least it isn't something I notice when you speak. If that makes you feel better! ;)

tonisu said...

I'm soo the same with toe nails, gross, especially my husbands