Monday, March 3, 2008

Ode to the Best Idea Part II...with a Caveat

(Warning: This post is perhaps a little TMI, so don't read if you are someone easily bothered by over-disclosure!)

As of last Wednesday, Scarlett was six weeks old. Which meant...da da da dum...time to resume MARITAL RELATIONS. This, of course, is according to The Official Rules for Post-Baby Conduct, as posited by some distant authority figure who was NOT a new mom, or if so was a miraculously fast-recovering one, because let me tell you, between lack of sleep and a lingering concern about the general state of things Down There, I wasn't exactly itching (hmm, perhaps a poor verb choice there) to resume such relations.

But, I have a husband. And he's a guy. And guys need loving or (we secretly fear) they will leave us for some younger, hotter model who is still adventurous and eternally in the mood and whose stomachs do not resemble a deflated beach ball and whose nether regions have NOT recently been violated by the ejection of a (albeit mini-sized) HUMAN BEING. Just kidding. But really--my husband is a great husband, and I knew it would mean a lot to him for me to give it a go.

So yesterday we carted the baby next door to my sister for an hour, because no way in heck would a) Squidge let us put her down for even the short (hey, it's been awhile) amount of time required and b) even if she did, no way would I be able to concentrate. (And there's my caveat: that's one time it would have been nice if babysitting hadn't been QUITE so convenient, but them's the breaks). When I came home, Mario took me by the arm and led me down the hall. I told him I felt like a sheep being led to slaugher, which earned me a swat and an "Oh, THAT's romantic."

Anyway, long story short: WE DID IT. And I survived. But I still think whoever set up that six-week expectation is slightly crazy. And at least we beat the stats, by a few days: I saw somewhere online that the average couple resumes that activity at seven weeks after the baby. So there ya go. We may be boring new parents who have no life, but now we are officially on the MORE wild and crazy range of that scale.

Still...I'm secretly hoping no one offers to watch the Squidge until AT LEAST next weekend!

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