Monday, March 17, 2008

Site for Squidge

My dear internetty friend EmilyPie helped me create a website for Squidge! I didn't feel like I could get away with shameless boasting and bragging on this know, the kind that older relatives are okay with, but friends secretly get irritated with? now it gets its own webspace! Watch out internet. Just kidding. Here is the link if anyone is interested!!


Megan said...

Aww, I love the Squidge site! Like many married women my age, I have the fever. I find myself lurking on mommy boards and most of my regular blog reads are the mommybloggers. So basically I am saying, thanks for feeding the fever.

natasha | sohobutterfly said...

Who are these "friends" who are secretly getting irritated with baby talk! I'll punch 'em!! :o)

Cute site for a cuuuuuuuuute baby!